This will be a short but important blog post. In May of 2024 I answered a post that was put out by Dr. Stefanie Johnson of Advent Health University to see if I would be a candidate to tell my story to her English class. She came over to Freedom Ride and took a tour and then we talked about what this curriculum might look like. She also contacted Cathy Garrett who suffered from an AFE (Amniotic fluid embolism) during the birth of her second child and also had a Basil Ganglia stroke during the birth. I ride with Cathy at Freedom Ride and we all thought this would make a great storyline for the class.
Dr. Johnson worked hard on coming up with the class materials over the summer and myself and Cathy provided some input as well. We met with Dr. Johnson's class on September 24th where we each took the time to "tell our stories" to her and the class of 14 people with various majors such as Doctors, X-Ray Techs, Nurses, etc. The students had some great questions and we did our best to answer them. We then went back on October 29th and each person was allowed to ask us a question after reading my blog and listening to Cathy's podcast on any of her channels.
She also did a Guest session which is located at if you care to check her out. Again, great questions and we did our best to answer them.
We look forward to December 3rd and 5th, when the students will present their findings, and I will report on what we learn from it all. Our objective in all of this was to get the "word" out to people who can affect the outcome of their patients, and I feel that Cathy and I, with a good deal of help from Dr. Johnson, accomplished our goal.

Today is December 3th, 2024 and I just want to say that the students did an absolutely awesome job. Looking forward to teaching this class again in 2025.